Join Little Pim's Virtual Easter Egg Hunt!
Easter egg hunts aren’t just for the backyard! This year, Little Pim invites you to our first ever virtual Pinterest Easter Egg Hunt. Not into jelly beans? Don’t worry. This year the prize is $75 to LittlePim.com.
Click over to our Easter Egg Hunt board and see if you can find the little surprises we have tucked away. Little Pim is hiding in 10 of the pins on this board! The more you find and repin, the more entries you will have in the drawing.
The rules are simple:
- FollowLittle Pim on Pinterest (@littlepimterest).
- Create a Pinterest board called “Little Pim Easter Basket.”
- Fill it with your favorite Easter crafts and activities.
- Visit our “Easter Egg Hunt” board and begin the hunt. Repin anytime you think you have found one of our hidden pandas.
- Send us the link to your board by filling out this simple form by or before Sunday, April 20.
- And that’s it!
Keep your eyes peeled for œufs, huevos, ovos, Eier, uova, and other Easter eggs. Happy hunting!
Contest ends Sunday, April 20 at 11:59 EST. For more information, view Official Rules here.
Update: We have a winner! View the winning board here.
Family Vacation Giveaway: Pin to Win Your Dream Trip!
*Vacation giveaway ends April 4, 2014. Start pinning now!
Pin It to Win It with Little Pim
*Winner will be notified via a Pinterest comment on Saturday, October 26.