Little Pim French Word & Phrase Cards
Special Introductory Price! [link removed]
This handsomely boxed set of sixty beautifully illustrated flash cards features Little Pim the panda and introduces basic words and phrases This handsomely boxed set of sixty beautifully illustrated flash cards features Little Pim the panda and introduces basic words and phrases in Spanish (or in French). One side of each card includes a translation and phonetic transcription for adults; the other is the drawing alone. Each card indicates the Little Pim DVD on which the word or phrase is introduced.
Homemade language flash cards not pretty but they work!
Emmett and I made our own flash cards and have been having a great time with them. First, we draw six boxes on a piece of regular paper with a thick black pen. Then, following Emmett’s instructions, I drew a picture in each of the boxes with the word written under it in French. We laughed a lot over my bad drawings (the orange juice picture looked like a UFO landing). Emmett has never really liked store-bought flash cards and always got bored and restless right away when I tried to bring them out, so this was a great way to turn reviewing vocabulary into a fun game.
After much thought and work (and input from children like Emmett) we've finally developed a fun series of Little Pim flash cards in Spanish and French.