About.com's Laura K. Lawless Review of Little Pim French

Widely respected French language expert, Laura K. Lawless, reviewed Little Pim on her About.com page. Laura is the author of seven language books; three in Spanish, four in French. Her fourth book, Intermediate French For Dummies was published in 2008. I received a personal email from Laura this morning letting me know the review had gone live and that we'd received four stars!

"Since I don't have children to tell me how fun this is to watch and what they've learned, my review can only be based on my opinion of the program from an adult point of view. The native speaker providing the panda's voice pronounces the French very carefully and clearly..."

Merci beaucoup, Laura! C'est tellement gentil!

Read the review here: http://french.about.com/od/listening/fr/littlepimfrench.htm


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